The United States threatening Turkey with imposing sanctions in case got the Russian air defense system S400, and Turkey responded

The US State Department said it would be difficult to restore relations between the United States and Turkey if Ankara bought from Russia the S400 air defense system.

«It will be difficult to restore relations between Turkey and the United States if Ankara gets the Russian S-400 system», said US Assistant Secretary of State for European and European Affairs Wess Mitchell.

The American politician confirmed that America is ready to impose sanctions on Turkey in the event of the deal of the S400.

«We have made it abundantly clear to Turkey that if it gets the system, there will be sanctions under the law to combat America’s enemies with the help of sanctions», Mitchell told a Senate hearing.

«If Ankara gets the S400, the relationship will change and it will be difficult for them to recover», according to Mitchell.

The Turkish Respond

The Turkish presidency spokesman, Ibrahim Kalin that Turkey «will not retreat» from the purchase of missile defense system S400 from Russia.

Kalin stressed out in an interview with Bloomberg channel that any decision on issues such as the purchase of the S400 system is «in Turkey’s hands only as a sovereign country».

«It is only Turkey who decides on this defense system or what technology it will buy and where», he said adding, that «Turkey would like to have good relations with the United States but Turkey would respond and take the necessary steps if Washington imposed sanctions».

He warned that such a move would «not contribute positively» to relations between the two countries.

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