The details and mechanisms for implementing the ceasefire agreement in Gaza between Hamas and Israel

The practical procedures and mechanisms for implementing the ceasefire agreement in the Gaza Strip, which was reached on Wednesday evening, revealed details of the Israeli withdrawal from the Gaza Strip, the number of prisoners to be released, the mechanism for the return of displaced persons to their areas, and the entry of aid into the Strip.
Preparations for the second phase
The goal of the two parties and the mediators is to reach a final consensus to implement the May 27, 2024 agreement to exchange hostages and prisoners and return to sustainable calm in order to achieve a permanent ceasefire between the two parties.
All procedures in the first phase (of the agreement, which lasts for 42 days) will continue in the second phase as long as negotiations on the terms of implementing the second phase continue, and the guarantors of this agreement will work to ensure the continuation of negotiations until an agreement is reached.
Withdrawal of Israeli forces
Withdrawal of Israeli forces eastward from densely populated areas along the Gaza Strip border, including the Gaza Valley (Netzarim axis and Kuwait Roundabout).
The Israeli forces will redeploy within a perimeter of 700 meters, with the exception of 5 specific points, which will increase by no more than (400) additional meters, which will be determined by the Israeli side south and west of the border, and this will be based on the maps agreed upon between the two sides, which will be attached to the agreement.
Prisoner exchange
- The nine sick and wounded hostages from the list of thirty-three (Israeli prisoners who) will be released (in the first stage of the agreement) in exchange for the release of one hundred and ten Palestinian prisoners sentenced to life.
- Israel will release 1,000 detainees from Gaza who were arrested since October 8, 2023 and who weren’t involved in the events of October 7, 2023.
- Elderly men over fifty years of age from the list of thirty-three will be released under the rule of 1:3 life sentences + 1:27 other sentences.
Dr. Avera Mengistu and Hisham al Sayed (two Israeli prisoners captured before the events of October 7, 2023) will be released according to an exchange key of 1:30 in addition to 47 prisoners from the Gilad Shalit deal (whom Israel has re-arrested).
- A number of Palestinian prisoners abroad or in Gaza will be released based on lists agreed upon between the two parties.
Philadelphia Axis
- The Israeli side will gradually reduce forces in the corridor area during the first stage, in accordance with the agreed maps and the agreement between the two sides.
- After the release of the last hostage from the first phase on day 42, the Israeli forces will begin their withdrawal and complete it no later than day 50.
Rafah crossing
- The Rafah crossing will be ready to transfer civilians and wounded after the release of all female civilians and soldiers.
Israel will prepare the crossing immediately after the signing of the agreement.
- Israeli forces will redeploy around the Rafah crossing in accordance with the attached maps.
- 50 wounded military personnel will be allowed to cross daily, accompanied by (3) individuals.
Each of these individuals requires the approval of Israel and Egypt.
- The crossing will be operated based on the August 2024 consultations with Egypt.
Exit of sick and wounded civilians
- All sick and wounded Palestinian civilians will be allowed to cross through the Rafah crossing, in accordance with Article 12 of the May 27, 2024 Agreement.
Return of internally displaced persons without carrying weapons (Nstarim axis)
- The return is agreed upon on the basis of the agreement of May 27, 2024, Articles “3-A” and “3-B”.
- On the seventh day (from the start of the implementation of the agreement), the internally displaced persons on foot will be allowed to return north, unarmed and without inspection via Rashid Street.
On the 22nd day, they will be allowed to return north via Salah al-Din Street also without inspection.
- On the seventh day, vehicles will be allowed to return north of the Netzarim axis after the vehicles are inspected by a private company determined by the mediators in coordination with the Israeli side, and based on an agreed-upon mechanism.
Humanitarian Aid Protocol
- The procedures related to humanitarian aid in accordance with the agreement will be implemented based on the humanitarian protocol agreed upon under the supervision of the mediators.
It includes the entry of 600 aid trucks into Gaza every day of the ceasefire, 50 of which carry fuel, with 300 trucks allocated to the northern areas.