Half of Germans feel strangers due to massive numbers of Muslims in their country


A poll released on Wednesday, June 15, 2016 that half of the population of Germany feel they are «strangers in their own country,» because of the presence of a large number of Muslims, what appears stresses German attitudes toward immigrants.

According to the survey conducted by the University of Leipzig which included 2,420 people, the rise compared with the same survey conducted in 2014 reached seven points from 43% to 50% of the Category expressed this view.

But this time it said that four out of ten people wanted to prevent Muslims from migration to Germany, the numbers has rise compared to the former rate of 36, 6% in 2014.

On the whole, that three out of ten complained that Germany «income many foreigners serious manner» and also reported the survey that was held after one year of Germany opened its doors to a record number reached 1.1 million asylum-seekers.

It seems that the majority of Germans feel suspicious toward immigrants as three of five people, that most asylum seekers «not actually face the risk of persecution in their country».

The effects of the dense flow of asylum seekers wide argument in Germany since the imposition of temporary controls on the border and had taken steps to reduce the number of arrivals.

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