Far left German politician known to be close to Russian intend to establish a new party
One of the most prominent left-wing politicians in Germany, Sahra Wagenknecht, intends to present plans for a new political project, in a break with her former party, The Left party (Die Linke).
Wagenknecht initially intends to establish the Sarah Wagenknecht Alliance as a union, but it’s likely to serve as a preliminary step to creating a new political party.
Wagenknecht justifies her step by the need to fill a political vacuum, explaining that many citizens no longer feel represented in any party.
The German Left party strongly criticizes Wagenknecht’s plans.
In recent years, Wagenknecht has become increasingly separated from some of her party colleagues due to her outspoken populist positions, including her sharp criticism of Germany’s Covid pandemic measures, her calls for more restrictive immigration policies, and her criticism of arms exports to Ukraine.
A number of leftist politicians also announced their participation in the new alliance presentation on Monday.
During the press conference, Wagenknecht will be joined by Amira Mohammed Ali, current co-chair of the Left Party, Christian Lie, Wagenknecht’s confidant and faction colleague, former executive director of the Left Party in North Rhine-Westphalia Lukas Lukas Schoen, and businessman Ralf Soikat.
According to a new poll conducted by the INSA institute for measuring opinion indicators and commissioned by the German Bild newspaper published on Sunday, 27% of Germans said that they could imagine voting for the Wagenknecht party.
At the moment Wagenknecht hasn’t yet provided program or personnel for its project.