As the anniversary of independence approaches, Abkhazia continues to gain new friends


By: Sawsar_42

As the Republic of Abkhazia continues to seek international recognition and continued unremitting efforts to gain a place in the international community, the diplomatic activities of the Abkhazian Government continues at various levels to achieve it.

Following the recent visit by an official delegation led by Abkhaz President Raul Khajimba to Syria, his meeting with Syrian President Bashar Al Assad, opening the Abkhazian pavilion at the Damascus International Fair and the signing of number of agreements concerning economic cooperation, mutual recognition and diplomatic representation.

Those endeavors continued to provide for a firm basis in order to moving forward in pursuit of international recognition, as many other countries whose peoples had struggled for independence and the right to self-determination, as provided by international law and the principles of international law represented by the United Nations.

The concept of “international legitimacy”, which has long been used by Western countries, such as the United States to impose its policies and promote its interests at the expense of others, and has not resorted to the use of brute force under the pretexts of many concepts ranging from “democracy” to “human rights” reaching to “international legitimacy”.

What happened to countries such as the former Yugoslavia republics, for example, were the right to independence, self-determination and international recognition, and even a number of these republics joined the European Union and even the North Atlantic Treaty Organization.

Why should not the Republic of Abkhazia have the right to international recognition?

What is required by international law in the right of peoples to self-determination and the determination of the principles of their independence is available in Abkhazia?

Of course Abkhazia it is like many countries in the world that need assistance and support to develop the basic structures and pillars of the state, Social and artistic activities and support for the legitimate government democratically elected all forms of support to ensure stability and the embodiment of the principles of international law that the peoples of the civilized world sing in terms of human rights, peace and decent livelihood for the population, which cannot be achieved without To obtain international recognition and to provide all forms of support to preserve and ensure the stability of the political, democratic and social system and, above all, the economic, which will enhance security and stability in an important geographical region in the world.

These necessities oblige Russia as a responsible international country to do what is possible to support Abkhazia, at a time when other countries must act like Russia, and here I do not exaggerate that it is even incumbent upon Georgia as well to join those endeavors in the common interest of all The people in the region.

At the end, what brings the people of the region together is much more than what separates them.

During the inter-parliamentary meeting held in the Abkhaz capital Sukhumi, the Association of “Friends of Abkhazia” was announced, with a number of Russian parliamentarians ready to join this new assembly.

As part of the preparations for the 25th anniversary of the independence of Abkhazia, a representative forum was held in the capital of Abkhazia, the capital of the Republic of Abkhazia, attended by representatives of the National Assembly of the Republic of Abkhazia, the parliamentary committee that is related to international relations and relations between parliamentarians and nationalities, meeting representatives of the Duma Committee of the Russian Federation specialized in CIS affairs and the Euro-Asian peoples integration relations met.

Members of the Russian delegation, led by the Vice-Chairman of the Committee, Konstantin Zatulin, actively participated in the discussion of the problems of concern to Abkhazian parliamentarians.

In particular, issues related to enhancing integration between Abkhazia and the international communities were discussed and the issue of assistance provided by Russian diplomats was discussed to promote recognition of the Republic, which is now a partner country of the Russian Federation, as well as to promote friendly relations and trade contacts in all areas with neighboring countries.

As a result of the dialogue, a number of initial agreements on cooperation between Russia and Abkhazia have been reached in strengthening defense capacity, ensuring security, developing health care, social services, culture and sports.

A presentation of the emerging new Parliamentary Association “Association of Friends of Abkhazia” was presented at the meeting of deputies.

“The Abkhazians are hospitable and so friendly and welcoming people and we have many friends around the world, and it would be nice if we exploited this factor – in the end, friends should help each other”, Mr. Astamur Luga, vice-chairman of the National Assembly of the Association of the Regional Union on International, Parliamentary and National Relations explained.

“The main objective of this association is to effectively promote the interests of our country at the international level and, above all, to recognize the sovereignty of Abkhazia.

Of course, we still have to put in place common mechanisms to implement this idea and some concrete steps that have been initiated, already”.

“On 26 November, we are commemorating the Constitution Day of the Republic of Abkhazia and, perhaps, on this important occasion for our Parliament, we will hold the first meeting, the founding meeting of the Association of Friends of Abkhazia, and with colleagues from a number of States – We are not just talking about the countries of the former Soviet Union – they have already expressed their willingness to join our association”.

According to parliamentarians in the Republic of Abkhazia, recognition of the sovereignty of the Republic by as many States as possible will create a platform for forging new substantive political relations with many neighboring countries.

“25 years of the independent existence of Abkhazia allowed us to speak of an existing State, of a true realization of the dreams of all the inhabitants of our Republic.

The price our parents paid for their independence is so high that the question of the possibility of returning to Tbilisi’s protection cannot be raised.

“Yes, we are ready to cooperate, open to dialogue – but only to the principle of equality and self-determination of peoples.

In the end, it is time for all States to support the idea of ​​the “restoration of Georgia’s territorial integrity”.

In contrast, members of the Russian delegation fully supported the idea of ​​establishing the Association of Friends of Abkhazia.

“Russia, like any other country, may not be interested in the political stability, social and economic development of the territories and its neighboring role in order to support stability, peace and guarantee Russian national security – especially in the Republic of Abkhazia.

“We have a lot in common, which is a force, in addition to strategic interests, and it is imperative that we cooperate in all areas and on all the issues discussed at our meeting today”, he said.

Perhaps what can be concluded on this subject is the necessity in light of the crises that are raging in large geographical areas of the world from the scourge of wars and terrorism, it is imperative that those countries in the West, those who sing the concepts of freedoms and human rights principles to cooperate to ensure the stability of the world in the interest of everybody.

Any threat or disturbance and destabilization of the security and stability of the Black Sea region, the West will not be safe from it, and the evidence is Syria, what happened in Syria reached its ears to all the countries of the world, and hardly any country but part of the Syrian crisis.

Here we reached to ask a question for the wise in this world that being under multiple conflicts.

Don’t we have enough crises and conflicts in the world today?

Is it the time to cooperate to ward off those dangers?

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