The Daily Telegraph reveals the date of opening the Saudi embassy in Damascus, Britain is preparing to reopen its embassy and Italy begins the renovating its embassy as well


Saudi Arabia will resume relations with Syria and open its embassy in Damascus early this year, the British Daily Telegraph newspaper reported Monday.

In a report entitled “All Roads Lead to Damascus”, the Daily Telegraph said that the move from Saudi Arabia, the strongest country in the region that had opposed Syrian President Bashar Al Assad and stressed the importance of his leave power, is now working to restore ties with his government.

“Everything was planned, from Sudanese President Omar Al Bashir’s visit to Damascus last month and the subsequent opening of the embassies of the UAE and Bahrain”, the Daily Telegraph quoted Syrian-British analyst Danny Makki, who has contacts with the Syrian government, as saying.

“My sources in Damascus confirm to me that Saudi Arabia will make that move sometime this year,” Makki said.

“It might be in the beginning or the in middle of 2019”.

“Without a doubt, after a year or two, we will reopen our embassy there”, one British diplomat was quoted as saying with a confused smile.

Where the sources quoted information about the arrival of diplomats from the British Embassy in Lebanon to the Syrian capital to inspect the British Embassy and began the work of restoration and repair in preparation for the opening soon, while the British Foreign Office denied that, and said in a statement, “The building was rented and it was handed back to the owner since the closure of the embassy, ​​and its owners are carrying out the renovation”.

The British diplomat who spoke about the opening of his embassy in Damascus, where he said that the date of reopening the embassy of UK in Damascus may take at least a year.

The diplomat, who is currently in Lebanon, is likely to be his next appointment in his diplomatic career in Syria.

“Wait one year or so, and you can bet that we will reopen our embassy in Damascus”, he said; according to the British Daily Telegraph newspaper, who posted his statements without mentioning his name.

British Foreign Minister Jeremy Hunt expressed London’s belief that Syrian President Bashar Al Assad would remain in power “for some time”.

There were also reports of the arrival of Italian diplomats to the building of the Italian embassy in Damascus in preparation for the start of the restoration work to open it soon as well.

All these news came with the return of some Arab countries to reopen their embassies in Damascus, where the UAE and Bahrain opened their embassy officially in Damascus, after years of rupture with Damascus.

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