Putin offers Washington two ways to get out of the situation in Syria
Russian President Vladimir Putin has confirmed that there are two ways to get the United States out of the situation in Syria, namely, “to obtain a permit from Damascus to be present in the country or from the United Nations or a third way”.
President Putin said Wednesday (October 3rd) that the parties involved in the Syrian conflict must seek to ensure that all foreign troops leave the country after defeating terrorism.
“We must strive to ensure that there are no foreign troops from third countries in Syria at all, we must move in this direction”, Putin said during a panel discussion in the Russian Energy Week.
“Yes, including Russia, if the Syrian government decides so”, the president said in response to a question whether Russian troops were among those foreign troops.
“There are two possibilities for dealing with the situation”, Putin said during a panel discussion at the Russian Energy Week.
The first is that the United States must obtain the mandate of the United Nations Security Council to have its armed forces present on the territory of a third country, in this case on the territory of Syria or to receive an invitation from the legitimate government of the Syrian Arab Republic to put its units there for a purpose.
International law does not provide for a third way for a State to exist on the territory of another State”.
Damascus confirmed a few days ago that “the presence of US, French and Turkish forces on the Syrian territory occupation, and will be treated on this basis, and therefore they must withdraw immediately and unconditionally”.
“Any foreign presence on Syrian territory without the consent of the Syrian government is illegal and constitutes a flagrant violation of international law, the Charter of the United Nations and an attack on national sovereignty”, Syrian Foreign Minister Walid Al
Moualem said in a speech to the UN General Assembly.