Israeli Media: Israeli army training on Russian intervention against in Syria


Last week, the IDF conducted exercises that included a scenario of military confrontation on several fronts, including Russian intervention against Israel in Syria.

Israeli army official was quoted «During the exercises, we examined the various scenarios of the Russian presence in Syria».

«We have conducted training on everything that can be coordinated with the Russians and what cannot be coordinated, and on our potential actions without harming their interests in the region, and vice versa, any scenarios that the Russians are causing us problems».

All the leaders who would be active in the fight against Hezbollah in Lebanon and in the event of a wide range of confrontations and the opening of new fronts participated in the training. However, training was conducted at the command level only, without the participation of troops on the ground.

Israel planned the exercises for the command centers, General Yair Golan.
According to the scenario, fierce fighting broke out against Hezbollah in Lebanon and then moved to Syrian territory and to the Gaza Strip.

The aim of the exercise was to study the various scenarios that would endanger Israel, including confrontations leading to the deaths of hundreds of Israelis, infiltration of terrorists into Israeli cities and cyber attacks.

The high-ranking official told Israeli News paper Haaretz that these large-scale exercises are part of the measures to test Israel’s readiness for war.

The newspaper said that the Israeli army doesn’t believe that Hezbollah is able to control an Israeli town and maintain this control for a long time, but believes that small groups of Hezbollah militants can sneak into Israeli towns to present the image as a victory for them, according to his words.

The scenario also included fighting on Israeli territory and Iran’s use of combat operations to strengthen its influence in the region.

The exercises were carried out in parallel with the joint Israeli-American exercises «Juniper Cobra» for air defense and training for the Home Front Command.

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