An intensive move for the SDF towards Damascus and Paris to face the consequences of the US withdrawal


In light of US President Donald Trump’s sudden decision to withdraw US troops from Syria along with the Turkish threats of near the start of a military operation in northern Syria and the east of the Euphrates, it embarked on the political leadership of the Syrian Democratic Forces to move towards both the Syrian government in Damascus and France to contain the consequences of the US decision to address the Turkish risk.

A spokeswoman of the Syrian Democratic Forces, Cehan Ahmed, confirmed that “SDF” are not opposed to raising the Syrian flag on government institutions in Manbej, and that it is not seeking to separate from Syria, but only wants to agree on “self-management”.

Ahmed told “Sputnik” news agency, in response to a question about the fate of Manbej and raise the Syrian flag on government institutions in the city in the country side of Aleppo: “We’re part of Syria, and we’re not advocates of separation, but we want to be an agreement on self-management to manage our own affairs within Free Syria” she said.

“If that happens we’re not against it, we don’t want to be part of a separate state, divided or otherwise.

We just want to achieve self-management in our region and we have no problem to be under any flag”.

“We have no problem with the regime.

Several times, negotiators representing the Syrian Democratic Council sat with representatives of the regime”.

“Our efforts today are focused on protecting the region and preventing danger”, she concluded.

Although the spokeswoman of the “Syrian Democratic Forces” denied her statements which “Sputnik” news agency posted, news came of “Syrian Democratic Forces” delegations arrival to the Syrian capital Damascus on helicopters that had landed at Mazzeh military airport, apparently to discuss developments and discuss further cooperation with the Syrian government.

Meanwhile and for its part, a Kurdish official warned from Paris, Friday, that in the event of a Turkish attack, SDF may be forced to alert all its forces to confront the Turkish army and abandon fighting jihadists.

Head of Democratic Council, the political wing of the Syrian Democratic Forces Ilham Ahmad, which came to Paris with the an official of the council Riad Darar to discuss the situation in the region after the US president’s decision to withdraw troops from Syria.

Ahmad said that “the situation could spiral out of control for jihadists imprisoned among the Kurds”.

Ahmed told reporters: “When the Americans didn’t exist in the region, we were fighting terrorism, we’ll continue in this mission but to confront terrorism, this will be difficult because our forces will have to withdraw from the front in Deir Al Zour to take their places on the border with Turkey”.

“In light of Turkish threats, we’re afraid that the situation will get out of control and we’ll not be able to control the situation in the area”, the Kurdish official said, adding that “this will open the way for ISIS to re-deploy”.

“We’re afraid of chaos because we cannot fully protect the area which they captive”, Council member Riad Darar said, referring to jihadist fighters detained by the Kurds, and stressed the need to follow up the repercussions of the American decision.

“We meet with officials in Europe because they have a historic responsibility to preserve the security of the region and in the face of terrorism that threatens the world”, he said.

“The Islamic state is the most dangerous terrorist presence in the world”, he said, stressing the need not to “withdraw the allied forces with us until it is over”.

The foreign fighters arrested with members of their families, a burden on the Kurdish self-management, with the refusal of many States to recognize the citizens who joined during the years of conflict, the Syrian jihadist organization, and calls for self-management states from which Jihadi organization to receive its citizens and their trial has.

Ilham Ahmed called on the French government to support the Kurds.

“The French government had clear positions in the past, but it couldn’t change much of the Turkish decision.

We hope it will play a stronger role at this stage”, she said.

“It has the capacity to play its role within the European Union and to impose a no fly zone on these areas at least so as not to be re-produced once again is for the safety of international security”.

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