A criminal state with all its meaning

By: Caucasus Patriot

What is surprising is the fact that the world, which falsely claims to be defending freedoms & human rights, insists on a rogue state such as Saudi Arabia to this day.

How many crimes, scandals & shamefully horrifying incidents should Saudi Arabia with its rulers should commit for the world to deal with them as criminals’ & as a terrorist state whose actions have reached unprecedented levels of criminality.

All shame on the faces of the United States, which proves that it’s not just a trouble maker, but they are also partners for criminals in the world.

The greatest shame on the countries of Europe, which claims to defend freedoms and human rights despite the bloody colonial history enjoyed by most of them.

It seems that the United States has never forgotten its criminal role and the age of the Mafia and its existence in all the disasters that have afflicted humanity, with its support for many of the criminal regimes in the world, because these regimes meet the interests of the United States even at the expense of democracy & human rights.

What an absurd!

What kind of freedom, that Americans speaks & is always in the hands of terrorists.

This introduction might be harsh & rode, but it doesn’t reflect half of what is in the minds of millions of people around the world.

The Americans used to say: Why does the world hate us after the events of September 11, in which Saudi Arabia is at the forefront of its responsibility?

Really … You want the answer to this question!

I will not defend or grieve the Saudi journalist Jamal Khashoggi.

Without a doubt, what happened to him is a disgraceful act on the human level, but in contrast, Jamal Khashoggi was a Saudi agent whose period of validity had expired.

No more, no less.

Jamal Khashoggi is considered an old guard, so it’s clear from his articles and his recent statements & even his departure from Saudi Arabia to stay in the United States, is evidence that he is opposing King Salman or especially his son, Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman.

The phrase we hear too often (He knows too much!) or (He exceeded his limits!) or (He cross the line!) or (He became a heavy burden!)

All apply to the case of Jamal Khashoggi.

Jamal Khashoggi, a Saudi journalist and former intelligence agent who was one of the Saud’s family trumpets for years, was one of the mouths defending Saudi Arabia’s crimes and its rulers for years.

The nephew of the notorious arms dealer Adnan Khashoggi, one of the heads of Saudi corruption & criminality rooted in all the families that work for this criminal family that controls an area that is the most sacred & holiest place for more than a billion Muslims around the world.

Jamal Khashoggi, whose picture & his disappearance story after entering his country consulate in Istanbul filled up with the media & social platforms after being seduced & stupidly enter the wasps’ nest that would not he will never leave it alive, its ironically that he knew deep down in his heart that was full of love to his Turkish fiancé, that something was going to happen to him inside, which explains why he left his phone with his fiancée outside the consulate & told her that if he didn’t came out she must contact the Turkish authorities.

This was one of many loopholes that were left behind by the team of criminals who came to Turkey to execute & undertake the task.

There is no complete crime!

It’s a well-known term in the world of crime & criminal investigation & has continued its truthfulness with the case of Jamal Khashoggi.

Apart from the narration of the story, which is no longer necessary to continue to talk about it, it has become known & the remaining unknown of it will only emerge in a timely manner determined by Turkish authorities, which we must recognize their intelligence .

Turkey have managed the case with all their skill & wisdom, they even still have a lot to present.

Turkey may gain countless benefits thanks to their good conduct in managing the incident.

Saudi Arabia today, as always part of committing crimes for decades, with them being involved in countless crimes, however Khashoggi’s murder especially in this way reveals again the reality of the family that rule the Arabian Peninsula.

How can a person be silent in front of a long list of corruption & crimes that Saudi Arabia has been involved in so far?

How much this family must commit crimes so that the world moves to hold it to account & put its so called “Royal Family” in their proper size without being hold under their money temptation that is submerged in blood & humiliation that reveals the falsity & hypocrisy of the Western world, which seeks only their interests even at the expense of values ​​that they boasts of defending them.

Today, the world has become more aware of what is going on around.

There is no room for covering crimes & scandals such as those practiced by backward regimes that still govern some countries in the world in such a way that the stone age human is much civilized & improved compared to them.

What saddens the most is the fact that the so-called Saudi Arabia is a guardian to the Islamic religion in front of the world.

All that distorted the Islamic religion & contributed to the sabotage & abuse its reputation until the name of Islam has become linked to the stereotype that Saudi Arabia presented to the world in different ways.

A Muslim is a Saudi, a terrorist who kills, slaughters, chop heads & attack buildings with planes & blows himself up innocently screaming “Allah is great”!!!

It is really important that after the exposure of the journalist Jamal Khashoggi’s death, the world should punish Saudi Arabia in the way it deserves along with everyone who adopts these methods should be an example.

They must be a lesson for those who consider.

What used to be hid & be silent about of suspicious transactions, financing & creating terrorist beliefs & breeding terrorists full of barbarous ideas, in exchange for some money for those in the west whom morally bankrupt.

Trump along his son-in-law Jared Koushner & many European & British politicians; those are responsible before world public opinion, with many of them used to cover such barbaric practices that House of Saud is doing.

No money or oil justifies what the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia is committing.

It is time to be held accountable for all of their crimes, this time thanks to Jamal Khashoggi.

If his life was full of contradictions, from a defender to the Saudi rulers to opposing the new rulers, is the price that has to be paid in order to hold them accountable for all the crimes that they committed.

Let it be this price then.

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