Yeni Şafak: The Korean model is the most appropriate scenario for Ukraine!


Turkish Yeni Şhafak newspaper published an article discussing the possible scenario that could suits the Ukrainian issue.

“The Korean Model is the Most Suitable for Ukraine,” in which the US desire to transform the Ukrainian conflict into the Korean model.

According to the article, given the information in the US media, the Biden administration is preparing to turn the war in Ukraine into a frozen conflict that could last for years or perhaps even decades, similar to the situation on the Korean Peninsula, where the civil war that divided the country into “north” and “south” began in 1950, and resulted in a cease-fire that was signed in 1953.

Despite the passage of 70 years, no agreement was reached finally ending the war.

In fact, the envisioned the “Korean model” for Ukraine is the “preferred solution” rather than the “imposition” by the United States, which didn’t take a position in favor of ending this war.

It was the United States and Britain who stopped attempts to bring Kiev and Moscow to the negotiating table, and the United States recently turned its back on China’s attempts.

These developments reinforce the conviction that the United States is waging a prolonged “proxy war” with Russia in Ukraine, meaning that the United States, in short, hopes that Ukraine will become a “second Afghanistan” for Russia.

According to the reports that I referred to in the US media, the Biden administration is discussing options about where to draw lines for a frozen conflict that the two sides agree not to cross, while studies indicated that the idea of ​​​​freezing the war may be the “long-term politically acceptable result”.

It was emphasized that the United States will continue to send more effective weapons, including F16 fighter jets, to Kiev.

As a matter of fact, in a statement made by Jake Sullivan, Biden’s National Security Adviser, he announced that advanced warplanes, including the F16s, would be delivered to Ukraine.

While the United States assesses the situation that Ukraine won’t be able to recover the lost territories by military means, it hopes that the war that will unfold over many years will weaken Russia and push Putin to capitulate.

Of course, hope isn’t a strategy, since the main strategic goal of the United States isn’t to win Ukraine, but to weaken Russia as much as possible.

The Article continues… Let us all remember how France, Germany and Italy called on Moscow and Kiev to negotiate a cease-fire, at a time when Joe Biden and then British Prime Minister Boris Johnson disrupted the European Ukraine policy.

The President of the Chicago Council on International Affairs, Ivo Daalder, who was the US ambassador to NATO during the presidency of Barack Obama, wrote an article at Politico newspaper, entitled “The conflict cannot end until Ukraine becomes part of the West,” in which he said Putin’s strategic failure won’t be complete until he realizes that he has permanently lost Ukraine financially, economically, politically and strategically.

Achieving this failure should be the ultimate goal not only for Ukraine, but for the West as well.

According to Daalder, Putin’s military defeat in Ukraine and its integration into the West will bring awareness of Russia’s strategic failure.

It should be noted that Daalder expressed the views of the hardline anti-Russian foreign policy elite.

The NATO summit will be held in the Lithuanian capital, Vilnius, from July 11-12. Ukrainian President was invited to attend the summit.

The summit is also expected to discuss Ukraine’s membership in NATO.

However, at this stage, it doesn’t seem possible for a country in a state of war and disputed borders to accept into the alliance, which in its fifth article undertakes to provide assistance to member states in the event of armed attack on them.

It’s also known that a number of European members of NATO, including Germany, don’t favor Ukraine’s membership in NATO.

Daalder acknowledged that Ukraine’s membership in NATO won’t happen any time soon, “However, it is important that NATO countries – individually and collectively – send a message to Ukraine that they not only value their desire to join the alliance, but intend to do so… Do so as soon as conditions permit”.

According to Daalder, the United States and NATO countries must make clear their commitment to Ukraine’s security, and that they will seek, within the framework of temporary arrangements, even full membership, as they did with Finland and Sweden.

Daalder ended his article by saying, “The debate over NATO membership threatens to obscure a larger truth, which is that Ukraine’s security lies in the West and the conflict cannot end until Ukraine becomes part of the West.

The real question isn’t whether Ukraine will become part of the West, but how and when.

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