The Jerusalem Post: The American hypocrisy in its foreign policy


Micah Halpern wrote at The Jerusalem Post, criticizing the American hypocrisy in US foreign policy.

The hypocrisy and false condescension of the United States and its attitude toward Israel is truly outrageous.

The Pentagon’s announcement on May 3, 2023, that a civilian was killed by mistake, and the author comments on it, “It wasn’t just a bullet that lost its way and killed him”.

The story says the United States tracked down a 53-year-old shepherd in northern Syria with a drone before firing a missile at him, blowing him to pieces.

The United States later tracked down a simple sponsor it thought was al Qaeda’s leader, but made a mistake, and after a year and a thorough investigation, the Pentagon admitted the mistake.

Halpern pointed to the role of the United States in killing civilians during its wars, but at the same time, the death of civilians is part of the cost of any war.

He added that good countries don’t target innocent civilians, meaning Israel and the United States, which, in his view, are doing their best to minimize civilian casualties.

However, while the United States publicly admits its mistake, even after a year, it criticizes Israel for civilian deaths and collateral damage.

The infuriating part, he adds, is the US admission that it’s doing exactly what Israel is told not to do.

Halpern quotes data published by the Guardian newspaper on Tuesday, September 7, 2021, saying that the United States is responsible for the deaths of at least 22,000 civilians, possibly as high as 48,000 since September 11.

One report brings the total number of innocent civilians killed by the United States through missile and drone attacks to 140,000, but he comments here that it may be exaggerated, but they are huge numbers.

In fact, the United States refuses to offer the same understanding to Israel, and instead continues to publicly rebuke Israel for civilian deaths, knowing full well that Hamas is hiding behind civilians and civil institutions such as schools, mosques, and hospitals.

He argues that the rebuke of the United States is more than double standards, but an immoral attack against a moral army that does its best to avoid civilian casualties.

Israel hoped Israel would receive the same praise as the Pentagon for admitting to accidentally killing the Syrian shepherd.

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