The Jerusalem Post: A dangerous infection strikes the feet of Israeli soldiers in the Gaza Strip


Dozens of dermatologists treated hundreds of Israeli soldiers who suffered from severe infections in their feet in recent months, as was discussed in a report published by the Jerusalem Post.

The Jerusalem Post points out that military shoes, which are tightly closed to suit field conditions, force soldiers to wear them for several days in a row, and as a result of the heat and high humidity, infectious bacteria and fungi multiply, leading to a strong unpleasant odor and itching that may reach the point of bleeding.

According to the report, the affected soldiers were treated with oral antibiotics, topical treatment of the foot, and were instructed to ventilate it as much as possible during operational activity.

Eti Sharig, a dermatologist at Meir Medical Center, explained that the effect of military boots causes increased sweating, which leads to higher growth of bacteria and fungi in combat conditions.

Over time, physical stress and uncomfortable shoes also cause the nail to become embedded in the skin, which the body perceives as a foreign body and causes painful inflammation.

He added that military doctors should be careful and treat soldiers urgently at the first signs of infection.

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