Iranophobia, demonizing Russia & Turkey in between

By: Caucasus Patriot

Perhaps the Iranian-Syrian connection or their alliance is the main node that prevents the normalization in the region & the West getting approach in order to set end of the Syrian war.

When we say Western countries, we mean the United States, because all other western countries & despite their sometimes opposition the US policies, eventually they all will obey the orders of the United States.

From the outset of the crisis in Syria, the public and private messages sent to the Syrian government from the Gulf states such as Saudi Arabia & the United States & for sure Israeli complacency, were all linked to the request of the Syrian President Bashar Al Assad to stop dealing & end the alliance with Iran if he wants to remain in power.

Today, after more than seven years of war, displacement & destruction, Assad is still in power & his alliance with Iran still exists.

There is no doubt that the Iranian role was important in protecting the survival of the Syrian government, however the Russian intervention was the main factor, when the Russian military intervention in Syria took place in September 2015, where the Russian military intervention was the decisive factor in controlling things & starting a real effective action in the face of global terrorism, that is feeling so great with a heavenly garden that global terrorism is blessed to have in Syria  thanks to flamboyant role of the west.

Of course, I will not go into the subject & its details, because the main issue is Iran & Russia with also mentioning Turkey.

I can challenge everyone that if the Syrian government decides to stop dealing with Iran, everything will end in minutes.

No international community would care about the ((Freedom of the Syrian people)), no International community would care if the Syrian ((Regime)) uses Nuclear weapons on ((his people)), only cut your ties with Iran, then you may do whatever you want.

Honestly & seriously, cut this nonsense, it’s only a political game & nobody give a crap about human rights.

What surprises me is the fact that all the panic from Iran & the reason behind both the United States & Israel whining & complaining, is only because & for the first time, they don’t fully control the situation in the Middle east as it was before.

Now the issue of Iran’s military presence in Syria is the only reason behind the presence of US troops in Syria.

Why does Israel scream day & night as it continues its raids & targeting sites in Syria under the pretext of striking Iranian targets in the country?

Will Israel’s security be threatened only because there is an Iranian military presence in Syria?

The collection of these questions is based on one fact that the argument about Iran’s military presence in Syria is the justification for the stupidity of keep repeating this.

If the concern for Israel’s security is the reason & that the Iranian military presence in Syria is the only threat of the security of Israel, it’ll be a stupid argument that shows also the level of the ignorance of anyone who keep on talking about this.

Israeli officials, forgot the fact that, its only required a multiple buttons to be pressed, for a rain of missiles of all kind to start showering Israel & it’s not require any Iranian presence on the ground & even in strategic stand point, if any war broke out between Israel & Syria, alongside Hezbollah in Lebanon, without mentioning Palestinian groups & if there was a need for Iranian presence on the ground, it will only take a couple hours for thousands of Iranian troops to land on the ground without the need for them to be in Syria to begin with.

Seriously, there is no need for them to have bases in Syria, we’re living in the 21st century, so my message to the Israeli & US officials to get real seriously & stop being childish.

Even Russia has been pressured to alienate Iran, as if Russia was a Western-compliant state & it’s only working to meet Western demands.

Does Iran’s military presence in Syria threaten Israel, in an era when it is possible to hit any spot in Israel with thousands of rockets from long distances without moving a single soldier?

Does Syria need an Iranian military presence on its territory, with they already have a quality of weapons that capable of striking Israel & confronting its air force?

Now & thanks to them, there will be S-300 in town!

So I think Israel is no longer daring to send its air force to the Syrian airspace & now they are hitting targets in Syria without being forced to enter, which is by the way is the same way that Syria can do in the event of a war with Israel take place.

Syria wants the return of the Golan Heights from Israel & they’re ready to defend themselves against any attack on their territory.

Today, with an active Russian role in the region, things are more balanced on the ground & the reality is that once the last terrorist pocket in Syria is finished in Idlib, the road will be paved to impose the just will for which Russia has been fighting for years.

In my words, it is not intended to defend the Russian role, although it is a fair role compared to all the devastation caused by the United States.

Even the US allies are now narrowing, with the failed American role in the world not just in the Middle east was clear even to the blinds.

Even Israel today is resorting to Russia rather than to the United States.

Turkey is now aware that its alliance with the West  (United States) will bring nothing but ruin & the lies & western hypocrisy faced by Turkey has undoubtedly revealed that the western quest is to impose conditions and domination of the countries of the region only.

Today, the United States is using the method of rotten sanctions on Turkey, Russia & Iran, which are the three countries today that have the keys to stabilize the situation in the region.

If there is consensus between the three countries, many controversial issues will be resolved in the region, Syria, which caused many tragedies.

What the civilized world must strive towards today is to cooperate with countries that have for the past few years demonstrated their fair role & sincere efforts to impose fair rules in the region.

The world now knows that its problem is in countries that have a history of criminality & colonialism throughout the ages.

It’s not the United States of America (the Butcher of Vietnam), the Great Britain (which caused the scourge of the universe), France (the country that has been blood-stained for decades) even Germany, which defends human rights today, caused massacres & catastrophes against humanity, which is a crime that the whole world will never forget, no matter what Merkel or any other German official try to say or do.

Everyone should realize that those who have lost 25 million lives in the Second World War and defended their land in the face of the Nazi invasion overthrow the aggressor, only them who have the wise decision to restore the balance of what we’re trying to convince ourselves to call it that is exist, which is the international justice.

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