Iran threatens to change its nuclear doctrine ‘if its existence is threatened


Kamal Kharrazi, an adviser to Iran’s supreme leader, said Tehran would be forced to change its nuclear doctrine if Israel threatened its existence, raising concerns about an Iranian nuclear weapon.

“We haven’t yet made a decision to build a nuclear bomb, but if Iran’s existence becomes threatened, there will be no choice but to change our military doctrine,” Kharrazi was quoted by the Iranian Student News Agency on Thursday as saying, adding that Tehran had already hinted that it had the ability to build such weapons.

Iran’s Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei banned the development of nuclear weapons in a fatwa at the turn of the millennium, reiterating his position in 2019 by saying, “Making and storing nuclear bombs is wrong and their use is forbidden… Even though we have nuclear technology, Iran has completely refrained from that”.

But Iran’s intelligence minister said in 2021 that Western pressure could push Tehran to seek nuclear weapons.

“If the Zionist regime launches an attack on our nuclear facilities, our deterrence will change,” Kharrazi said.

In April, tensions between Iran and Israel peaked, with Iran firing about 300 missiles and drones into Israel in retaliation for a suspected attack on the Iranian embassy compound in Damascus.

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