Al Monitor: Assad’s visit to China… A political uproar that didn’t result in any Chinese commitments!


Al Monitor news website said that the Syrian president Bashar al Assad’s visit to China caused a political uproar, but didn’t result in any Chinese financing commitments to support Damascus.

The website added in a report that Damascus’s accession to the Chinese “Belt and Road” initiative early last year wasn’t followed by any economic projects in Syria, which indicates that Beijing sees this country as unsafe.

The report considered that Syria is far from being an ideal diplomatic or economic partner, given its lack of political stability.

The report explained that the Chinese-Syrian strategic partnership announced by the two sides during Assad’s visit seems far from being a partnership based on commitment, and is nothing more than merely a potential promise of future cooperation on China’s terms.

The report indicated that China wants to support Assad, but his mortgaged power to subsidiary and external actors, repressive rule, criminality and economic mismanagement are what make Syria and its economy volatile, and Chinese investment at this time would bear the consequences of these issues.

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